reduce debt

美 [rɪˈduːs det]英 [rɪˈdjuːs det]
  • 减少债务;减轻债务
reduce debtreduce debt
  1. At current rates , households will be able to reduce debt without detracting further from economic growth .


  2. Telef ó nica said it would use a substantial part of the proceeds to reduce debt .


  3. Local government financing vehicles need to be brought in to reduce debt levels .


  4. Explains debt danger signals and how to reduce debt .


  5. Done well , a big debt buy-back can pocket Market discounts and reduce debt burdens .


  6. The Republicans , elected to reduce debt , are struggling to find reasons to raise the limit .


  7. More remarkable still , it has also imposed a painful austerity plan , in a bid to reduce debt .


  8. Given all uncertainties and current debt levels , we should be planning to reduce debt ratios if the next decade goes well economically .


  9. First , households , corporations and financial institutions reduce debt significantly over several years while economic growth is negative or minimal and government debt rises .


  10. Financing Construction and Measures to Reduce Debt Risks of Vocational Educations in Yunnan Border Areas & Taking Wenshan Teachers ' College as an Example


  11. The decision to declare bankruptcy is an effort to restructure and reduce debt . It comes at a difficult time for Detroit .


  12. Corporations can either pay out this net income in dividends , reduce debt , repurchase stock or reinvest it in the business .


  13. Holcim said that the initial proceeds would be used to reduce debt , while , in the longer term , the compensation would boost investments .


  14. Deleveraging is compounding this systemic disruption as governments , the financial sector and individuals reduce debt in the wake of the financial crisis .


  15. Reduce debt . An estimated two-thirds of today 's graduates will leave with student loans , and the average borrower balance is almost $ 27,000 .


  16. The fates of Italy and Spain depend on the steps their governments take to cut spending , reduce debt , strengthen banks and make structural reforms .


  17. Wednesday 's move comes a week after a Republican plan was put forward that called for significant tax and spending cuts to balance the budget and reduce debt .


  18. And several more schools are joining the no-loan club this fall , Even more schools have taken steps to reduce debt among their neediest students .


  19. The financial crisis has undermined the precarious decade-long equilibrium between these blocs by forcing trade-deficit countries to reduce debt , especially household debt .


  20. The IMF also assumes that it will be necessary to reduce debt ratios to 60 per cent of GDP by 2030 , to create the room to respond to new shocks .


  21. The credit crunch has lowered demand for higher-yielding , higher-risk bonds , while corporations of all stripes have come under pressure to reduce debt on their balance sheets .


  22. His answer is that very low interest rates can help smooth the adjustment process by supporting asset valuations , including making housing more affordable and by allowing some borrowers to reduce debt interest payments .


  23. Accounting conservatism reduces the risk of creditor . If creditor risk compensation is reduced , there will be more willing for them to provide low rate loan then corporate get more chance to reduce debt cost .


  24. For instance , the Brady bonds in the late 1980s and early 1990s arose from an effort to reduce debt held by mostly Latin American countries that were frequently defaulting on loans .


  25. Once you know what your monthly income is , you can use a budget to make sure you don 't spend more than you earn , thus helping to reduce debt and freeing up cash for savings .


  26. Therefore , we should use diversity measures to reduce rural debt .


  27. The company will be taking drastic measures to reduce its debt .


  28. Even large countries such as Italy could use them to reduce their debt stocks .


  29. If you are in debt this is an excellent way to reduce your debt .


  30. In order to reduce the debt ratio of state-owned enterprises , the Chinese government has made an active attempt .
